Did you know that more than 60 percent of water pollution comes from cars that are leaking oil and fertilizers used on farms and gardens? To become a part of the solution to the growing pollution problem, we must find more responsible fertilizing measures to follow in water-sensitive Sarasota.

Fertilize Less During The Summer

It is recommended to skip the fertilizer in the summer months, from June 1 until September 30. During this time, you should also say no to nitrogen. Sarasota County even prohibits the use of nitrogen in fertilizer throughout this period. Instead, consider using iron. Iron is abundant in micronutrients that can help keep your grass thriving in summer. When you go for Florida-friendly plants, you will find that they require far less fertilizer and water and fewer pesticides. This is because they have already adapted to the Florida environment and can thrive in it. If you need to give your garden a boost during the summer months, experts recommend finding better dirt to use. You can easily add compost to your garden soil to improve it and help all of the plants in your yard grow. Finally, when mowing your lawn, leave the grass clippings behind. You should also avoid mowing the grass too short—keep it higher for grass health. When you cut the grass too short, it will be far more susceptible to drought, pests, and disease.

Fertilizing During The Winter

Between October 1 and May 31, you will want to keep a close eye on the weather in Sarasota. Rain won’t allow the fertilizer to soak into the ground; instead, it will wash the fertilizer away, making all of your efforts futile. When it comes time to add your fertilizer, see to it that it is not within 10 feet of any kind of waterway so it doesn’t get drenched.

Fertilize Responsibly

Before fertilizing, it is always good to do your research or consult with experts on how to go about it. You want to use the right fertilizer at the right time. It should also be applied in the right amount. The nutrients found in many fertilizers can pollute the water and negatively affect the water cycle. When the fertilizer gets into the water, it can cause algae to grow. Bacteria will then feed off the algae and consume all the dissolved oxygen. You should also avoid overwatering sandy soil areas because this can result in an increase of nitrogen loss to groundwater. Instead, follow the recommendations for each plant or grass that grows in your climate. You will find that this method is far more effective in promoting growth. Finally, always carefully read the label on the bag of fertilizer you purchase. During the growing season, your grass and plants will require different nutrients. In Florida, you will also find different labeling requirements that will help you make the best and most responsible choice when it comes to fertilizing your plants and yard in water-sensitive Sarasota.

Read More: Compost Can Improve The Effectiveness Of Fertilizers And Improve Soil Ph

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